Murray/Calloway County 4H Chess Club
Murray/Calloway County 4H Chess Club
Thursdays, 6pm-7:30pm @ Calloway County Cooperative Extension, 93 Extension Way, Murray, KY 42071
Open to all children ages 6-19
Chess sets and clocks provided
Murray State University Chess Club
Murray State University Chess Club
Tuesdays, 6:00pm @ Waterfield Library (1400 N 15th St., Murray, KY 42071)
When the library is open. Take note of holidays and campus breaks.
Casual play & USCF-Rated Play (see Murray Mondays)
Paducah Chess Club
Paducah Chess Club
Wednesdays, 6pm @ Golden Carrot Natural Foods (433 Jefferson St., Paducah, KY 42001)
Casual games